What is Staybowlizer?

Consider the Staybowlizer your third hand in the kitchen, a welcome replacement to the damp-towel method of bowl steadying so commonly used by chefs the world over. Staybowlizer is a device that is used to secure bowls of all shapes and sizes from unwanted movement across a diverse range of applications using our patented suction-lock design. Now you can Mix, whisk and whip with the freedom of always having the other hand free to precisely add ingredients to the mixture without missing a 'beat'. 

3 products
Staybowlizer - Black
Staybowlizer Black - KitchenarySg - 1

Staybowlizer - Black

Staybowlizer - Red
Staybowlizer Red - KitchenarySg - 1

Staybowlizer - Red

Staybowlizer- Green
Staybowlizer Green - KitchenarySg - 1

Staybowlizer- Green
